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  1. Andor was the only show I wasn't actively looking forward to but it's probably the best live action star wars show
  2. When building an API make sure you include Access Tokens and API Keys, I'm sure no one will ever mix them up
  3. So stoked for Callisto Protocol!
  4. Fonts are just one reason I got interested in web development, here's a great playlist talking through some famous ones -
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  5. The In a Pinch API and Loaders now live, check it out at
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  6. Published another npm package last night, this one keeps track of usage of KV and service bindings for cloudflare workers
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  7. This is the correct way to use service bindings in Wrangler, shout out to Cloudflare's Technical Support! [[services]] binding = "MYWORKER" service = "my-worker" environment = "production" magicfoodhand/1526979898773975040
  8. The last 10% of a project is 90% of the work
  9. What ended happening in the whole Cinnamon Toast/Shrimp Tales saga?
  10. Pretty soon you won't be able to tell the difference between mobile and web apps, the new page transitions API looks awesome
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  11. Finally got to use Wireshark to track down a networking issue, been waiting since my Networking class in 2015 😂
  12. The number of times I've forgotten to await a promise in JavaScript is why my startup is powered by Typescript
  13. Always cool to see Cloudflare in the wild, spotted when buying tickets for Dr Strange
  14. Originally I thought In a Pinch would build custom websites for people and it will but our main goal is making it easier for everyone to build websites, stay tuned! magicfoodhand/1496973590742265886
  15. Published a new version of tiny-haikunator, includes the ability to use random characters instead of a random number and depends on the newly available word list free micro-haikunator -
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  16. I've never used svelte but the energy around it reminds me of clojurists in java so doubtful I'll ever look into it
  17. Comparing databases for storing logs and I got this gem in Google
  18. This is insane, I have one site left on heroku. Time to move elsewhere GergelyOrosz/1516756294983733255
  19. Pretty exciting day, looking forward to trying remix_run with this! Netlify/1516434591950819334
  20. Almost ready to go live with In a Pinch Scaffold, anything you've been dying to have in a headless CMS?
  21. Can't wait to start using this! sebastienlorber/1516087831134879747
  22. Watched this last night, absolutely fantastic documentary! tonyhawk/1512039587094409228
  23. I'm building a CMS and am curious which 3rd parties would let me import content via their API? Most interested in e-commerce (Square, Etsy, etc) and other CMS sites
  24. I've been using figma to design a new website, wow I wish I would've started using this years ago!
  25. Everyone that made SB-1309 law needs to be voted out of office,
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  26. Just switched from jest to vitest after seeing in-source testing, added bonus no babel config needed for typescript!
  27. If impotent rage is feeling like you have no control, what about idempotent rage?
  28. This is super cool! Not sure if I wanna learn another IaC framework though. If only AWS cdk had something like this funcOfJoe/1504675187488292867
  29. I can't be the only one that hears the song Ageing Young Rebel by DJ Food and desperately wants a platformer inspired by it
  30. Startup idea for someone, look at a twitter user's impressions to determine which accounts they want to unfollow
  31. I loved Until Dawn, super excited about this! IGN/1504487992177668097
  32. With today's GitHub incident I'm so glad I use Gitlab for almost everything
  33. Generally I'd agree with this advice but I'm using remix_run for the first time to build mine, it would've been so much more complicated if I built what I knew (react-static +graphql api). Once I got started I realized I didn't need the API yet dagorenouf/1503739817980481543
  34. Just published tiny-haikunator, a small heroku-like name generator library -
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  35. Curious what's going on with the npm package remix-auth-auth0, Just barely got it working and now it's gone
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  36. If you have a Mac, here are two fundamental apps for controlling screen resolution and external audio/brightness - -
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  37. TIL if you're using Cloudflare Workers and need v4 UUIDs you can use the provided crypto.randomUUID function instead of bringing in the uuid package, neat!
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  38. Are there any design tools, like, that include cloudflare icons (workers, k/v, durable objects) or a standalone icon set I can use? It seems like all of them have GCP and AWS built in
  39. Just published version 2.0 of limitless. Switched to typescript, jest, and deprecated a few things. Check it out!
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  40. I don't know who needs to hear this but if you want to build a service based web startup by yourself, don't! It doesn't scale, you need a product